Our Proud Partners
Partners with offices in the OhioMeansJobs|Cleveland-Cuyahoga building:

Job Corps
Job Corps’ mission is to educate and train highly-motivated young people for successful careers in the nation’s fastest-growing industries.
Visit the Job Corps site
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services supervises the state's public assistance, employment services, unemployment insurance, veterans employment services, child and adult protective services, adoption, child care, and child support programs.
Visit the Job and Family Services site
Aspire Greater Cleveland
Aspire Greater Cleveland is committed to creating an environment for adult learners to develop quality educational and life skills, as well as the confidence to reach for and achieve their personal goals.
Visit the Aspire site
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) is the State of Ohio agency that empowers Ohioans with disabilities through employment, disability determinations, and independence.
Visit the OOD site
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
The work that AARP and its affiliates do can be summed up in just 12 words: “We fight for and equip each individual to live their best life.” Serving nearly 38 million members, the mission of AARP is to enhance the quality of life for all as we age.
Visit the AARP site
Vantage Aging
Offering state-wide assistance to low-income adults seeking job training or employment. Our Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) updates job skills for people 55 and older and places them in part-time employment, that way, retired and senior adults wishing to give back to the community can remain active. Every older adult has the opportunity to live a healthy life and age with independence, purpose, and dignity.
Visit the Vantage siteOffsite Partners

Cuyahoga Community College Polaris Career Center
At Polaris Career Center, we inspire middle and high school students and adult learners to achieve career success. We help to strengthen our local economy by providing key training and credentials to those who wish to pursue opportunity,
Visit the Polaris site
Step Forward
As the State’s designated anti-poverty agency for Cuyahoga County, Step Forward is tasked and trusted to lead the fight on the ground against poverty in our community. The nonprofit organization helps low-income individuals and families address immediate needs and build long-term skills to transform their lives through early childhood education programs, adult skills training, and other support.
Visit the Step Forward site
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA)
Established in 1933 as the first chartered public housing authority in the country, the CMHA owns and manages property and administers rent subsidy programs to provide eligible low-income individuals and families quality, safe, affordable housing in Cuyahoga County.
Visit the CMHA site