Welcome to Ohio Means Jobs | Cleveland-Cuyahoga County
Take a Look at What We Offer
- Equal Access Services
- Career matching and referral assistance
- One-on-one help creating a resume
- Access to career help for young adults (14-24)
- Help applying for education or training funds
- And more...
Visit Us
We are located across from the Wolstein Center and free parking is available.
- Ohio Means Jobs | Cleveland-Cuyahoga County
- 1910 Carnegie Avenue
- Cleveland, OH 44115
Greater Cleveland Works
The Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Workforce Development Board is now Greater Cleveland Works. Please visit our new website, greaterclevelandworks.org, to learn about how we support job seekers, employers and a more vibrant, equitable Greater Cleveland.
Introducing Coursera
Begin, change, or elevate your career at your own speed, and get personalized course recommendations from OhioMeansJobs|Cleveland-Cuyahoga – completely free of charge!
Our Proud Partners
Ohio Means Jobs | Cleveland - Cuyahoga County works with first-rate organizations, leading the way in career readiness for youth, housing, job placement, and so much more.
Become an Area 3 Local Approved Training Provider
There are several important steps and deadlines related to applying for and receiving approval to become an Area 3 Local Approved Training Provider.