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Due to routine maintenance, websites may be unavailable on Monday, February 17, 2025, from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern. During this time, you may experience intermittent interruptions or find certain pages inaccessible. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Welcome to Ohio Means Jobs | Cleveland-Cuyahoga County

Take a Look at What We Offer

  • Equal Access Services
  • Career matching and referral assistance
  • One-on-one help creating a resume
  • Access to career help for young adults (14-24)
  • Help applying for education or training funds
  • And more...

Explore our Job Seekers page

Visit Us

We are located across from the Wolstein Center and free parking is available.

Ohio Means Jobs | Cleveland-Cuyahoga County
1910 Carnegie Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115


Stay Connected

Keep up with the latest happenings at Ohio Means Jobs by following our social media channels. Select an icon below to explore a channel.

Greater Cleveland Works

The Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Workforce Development Board is now Greater Cleveland Works. Please visit our new website,, to learn about how we support job seekers, employers and a more vibrant, equitable Greater Cleveland.

Introducing Coursera

Begin, change, or elevate your career at your own speed, and get personalized course recommendations from OhioMeansJobs|Cleveland-Cuyahoga – completely free of charge!

Our Proud Partners

Ohio Means Jobs | Cleveland - Cuyahoga County works with first-rate organizations, leading the way in career readiness for youth, housing, job placement, and so much more.

Become an Area 3 Local Approved Training Provider

There are several important steps and deadlines related to applying for and receiving approval to become an Area 3 Local Approved Training Provider.

Events for Job Seekers

View all our upcoming events.

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